Gender pay gap

Gender Pay Gap report 2024

As part of our commitment to transparency and fostering an inclusive workplace, we are sharing our Gender Pay Gap Report for 2023. This report provides an insight into any pay disparities within Ole & Steen UK and outlines our strategies to address them. I am absolutely delighted that we have continued to close the gap over the last 12 months with the mean gender pay gap (the average) reducing from 8.98% to 6.13% (this means that on average, the average man at Ole and Steen earns 6.13% more than the average woman). This doesn’t mean we pay women less than men, for us it means that we have more males in more senior roles across the business. If we look across the last 3 years the mean has decreased, and this is because we have recruited more women into senior roles in the business. We are absolutely dedicated to narrowing the gender pay gap and creating a level playing field for all our teams. The full report is attached here